When you give, you join this esteemed group of generous donors.
you are the reason that the Tubac Presidio exists and continues to grow.
You ensure that the Tubac Presidio, its incredible story, and the vibrant cultures that it represents are preserved and shared with future generations.
The Friends of the Tubac Presidio and Museum are honored to recognize the following cumulative gifts, recorded since the Friends was established:
$20,000 and Greater
Don Moschetti
Mary and Lynn Rafter
Marty Sewell
Jacqueline Lou Smith
$10,000 to $20,000
Eric and Carolyn Broege/Kemp
Mary Dahl
James and Jean Davis
Dennis and Deirdre Eshleman
Charles Galloway
Ilse Gudehus
David Mize
Lynn Rafter
Carol and Jim Swiggett
Dick and Mary Lou Taggart
Brian and Kathleen Vandervoet
Tom and Heidi Walsh
$1,000 to $5,000
$5,000 to $10,000
Joann and Steve Appleyard/Page
Robert and Candy Clancy
Joanna and Lew Corrigan/Mylar
Carolyn Fowler
Patty and John Hilpert/Cloninger
Mindy Maddock
George and Patricia Matarazzo
Ruth Mathews-Getz
John and Nancy Peyton
Wayne Rognlin
Steve and Jean Smith
Karen Wilson
Dick York
Edmund Allen
Sam Asbell
Susan and Roy Beaton
Bob and Midge Binnewies
John and Barbara Bird
Debbie and Bob Bostian/Ochoa
Bernd Brand
Warren (Skip) and Shujie Breither
Keith and Judith Brown
Ron and Kathi Campana
Anne Carr
Virginia Cochrane
Rick and Barb Collins
Mike and Sally Connelly
Jim Counter
Gale Dahlstrom
Marty and Moreau Durkin
Connie and Randy Eary/Phillips-Eary
Honorable Jim Edgar
Barbara and Leland Espinosa
Ms. Leo Francis
Pamela Gandionco
George and Connie Gessler
Marshall and Cathy Giesy
Joan Gordon
Gwen Griffin
Ralph Hershberger
Tom and Barbara Hill
Tex and Paula Hudson
Alan and Polly Hyde
Joan and Bill Jobe
Norm and Nancy Johnson
Anne and Robert Khan/Casey
John and Maureen King
Terry and Margaret Loftus
Katherine McDaniel
Kevin and Rebecca McMahon
Judy McNally
Andi and Mary Miritello/Lindely
Anne Moore
Linda Mosbarger
Bob Moser
Jan and Dan Munger
Robert and Charlotte Nelson
Bill and Susan Neusteter
Ken and Penny Niemi
DJ Ock and Joanie Peterson
Jay Ream
Robert Roloson
Delia Schmedding
Sharie and Clem Shute
Elizabeth Stewart
Karen and William Sykes
Meg and Vick Vickery
Glenn and Annette Vierra
Patty Wilson
Linda and Ed Wood
Karen Woodford
Stephanie York
There's always room for more names on the list.
For more information about making a gift or questions about your gift or listing, please contact the Park Director or President of the Friends at director@tubacpresidio.org or 520.398.2252.